Sunday, October 26, 2008

We live here because???

Kellen is confused why we live in Minnesota.... the Vikes suck and so does the weather! It isn't even even Halloween and we had our first snow fall.

Another crazy busy week that has flown by. Thursday night we met Ann Mac, Theresa, Karen and Alma for happy hour and dinner at Jeffersons. We learned from Alma that eating fruit is good for you and helps you poop. Kellen filed that piece of advice away for now since his mean mom won't even let him eat applesauce anymore. Kellen also got to meet some of mom's party friends Skupa and Cindy as we were leaving. He really enjoyed them and thought they were rather funny even at 7:30 p.m.

Kellen had a great time with Grandma Beck's on Friday night. Mom went to a concert with Jojo and the mom's drank a little too much. Sure does work to get a great night sleep we both found. Neither Jolene or I were aware if our children woke up during the early am hours. Don't worry before you turn us in to social services, the dad's were home and we didn't drive!

Texas is the favorite outfit on college football Saturday. In fact, Kellen wore one of his Texas outfits to church today because he worries people might make fun of him if he keeps wearing the Vikes outfits... even prayers aren't helping.

Saturday Kellen enjoyed going out to lunch with David and Anne and we had a great fun. Kellen took in his first WSU volleyball game with Jojo, Mic, Deb and Addie. It was great to see everyone and meet Addie- Kellen thought she was hot.

On Sunday Kellen tried to make a snow angel on the deck with his cousins Tyler and Colin. Although it was great fun, what the hell are we living here for again??

We are going to have to change the theme of our party from BYOB to BYO sled. Seriously.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Texas??? Come on....the Gophers are number 17 in the BCS!!! And the Vikes didn't even play this week, so no need to rag on them. We can't have him thinking it's ok to be a fair weather fan! *laughing*