Sunday, October 5, 2008

Eating new things and hanging with my friends

It was another busy and fast week for Kellen. Once again mom's friends forgot to tell her that when you first try the whole cereal thing, it will take at least an hour and require at minimum an outfit change and perhaps even a bath for the child and perhaps the feeder as well. Thanks again guys...... what would we do with out you.

Kellen does seem to enjoy his cereal though-- as you can see from the picture we wear about as much as we eat-- if he doesn't spit it out simultaneously when the spoon enters the mouth he barfs the rest up as usual. Looking forward to our visit the his new pediatrician and hoping they have some magic barf pill. Perhaps his mom can use it to next time she drinks too much.

Kellen had a very busy weekend in Dubuque. He hung out with Karen, Kim, Kelly and Ryan on Friday night. Saturday we went to farmers market, then to Loras homecoming and to the Chili cook off. Kellen forgot to wear his" are these people really my relatives" shirt as we ran into mom's cousin's Jana, Jason, Brennen, Jessica, Corey and family, Tami, Marty and kids and Aunt Jan and Uncle "won't come to my house to fix anything" Jon. Great time had by all and Kellen tried beer for the first time. Can't believe his dad and grandma JB weren't there but he seemed to enjoy it and mellowed out quite a bit after 3 drops.

Saturday evening we had dinner with Jan, Jon & Carolyn and John-- Kellen is still very confused what to think of Grandma John Haupert. He might take the lead from Murphy and keep his distance from the crazy man :)

Sunday was a kid filled day. We went to Brad and Dana's to see Nancy's new baby Ella, along with Ken and Elaine. Ella is just beautiful and Kellen enjoyed her company. We then packed up the mom-mobile and headed north to have dinner with Angie, Mitch, Blake and Jaeger & Jo, Corey, Riley and Logan. Talk about a house filled with boys. Blake was a busy guy and enjoyed marching around the house to the sound of his shoes hitting the hard floors. Riley didn't know what the hell to think of Blake running around and was pretty content playing with his diggers. Logan slept through the whole thing and Kellen just took it all in. Mom put the final nail in the coffin on having some more little ones and Murphy is having bad dreams about Kellen being 1 some day. It was great to see everyone and had a wonderful meal. Not sure how 10 years ago mom, Ang and Jojo were chasing boys (and what we thought we would gain if we caught one..... still haven't figured that out yet). And today here we are still chasing boys (ones that seem to all act a little bit like their dads). Felt a little alone drinking as Jojo isn't quite up to it yet and Angie was more interested in the caffeine free diet coke as opposed to the Bush NA. All and all a great time and even though we collectivly live 1 hour from each other it takes a miricle of god to schedule a time we can all gather together.
Should be another beautiful week filled with lots of fun as Grandma Mac is coming for a few days. Kellen will undoubtidly add to his book or learning toy collection as gram will have a few days to load up the car before arriving on Tuesday. Murphy is especilaly looking forward to seeing her as his dad forgot to bring Murphy when he met mom in LaCrosse on Friday to depart for Dubuque. I think fogetting the kid might have gone over better with Grandma JB---- Murphy did enjoy the piece of quite however.
Have a great week and more updates to come!

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