Monday, September 29, 2008

Pumpkins galore

Well despite the deer a few pumpkins survived in the deer plot to make it to harvest time. We found one really special pumpkin in the patch-- resting from a very busy weekend.

On Friday we went to visit Kellen's new best friend baby Logan. He was born on Friday afternoon and we stopped to say hello and introduce ourselves.

Saturday mom and dad attempted (key word) to play golf (as if what we were doing was really a sport) in the Groth open. Not much luck golfing but Kellen had a great time at Grandma Donna's and took in time with Amy and all the cousins.

Saturday night we had a bean bag tournament (now this resembled a sport much more than golfing) with the Groth clan. Kellen enjoyed seeing everyone and was a bit mad that his mom and dad offered little leniency on his bedtime ( Andy was almost ready to get out the Halloween sign where you can change the sign from the Witch in IN or OUT. If you could get through our garage to find it he might make it a permanent decoration around here).

Sunday we went to church where Kellen modeled his behavior after his dad and uncle Casey in the day. Apparently at even 14 weeks they can figure out if you misbehave you can go someplace else. Hopefully this will change in time although I think Andy prefers to get up and leave to this day.

After church we went to visit Logan again and then off to Grandma Dano's farm e-i-e-i-o to check on the 6 pigs he bought. To date Kellen knows 5 verses to the Grandma Dano's farm song.... with a moo moo here and a moo moo there, and a neigh here and a neigh there and a ruff, ruff here and a ruff, ruff there and a meow meow here and a meow meow there AND NOW and oink-oink here and an oink-oink there. God only knows what is next........
That about wraps up the week-- Kellen has enjoyed the beautiful weather and hopes it continues for about another 51 weeks.

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