Sunday, October 12, 2008

What a week and what is the deal with these bugs

It was just a wonderful week to be Kellen-- grandma mac visited from Tuesday to Saturday and they did all kinds of fun things. Kellen had a few observations after the visit....

1) Kellen thinks he is going to need to eat at least one squash per week for the next year. Grandma Harry should not confuse the pumpkins with the squash when planting the garden next year. We would have had a hell of a pumpkin patch but instead we will all be eating squash for the next year and a half. But thanks to grandma mac for freezing it all!

3) Grandma Mac makes up more words to song that you can imagine. Kellen will never learn the mouth it Watermelon technique because he will just think you can make up whatever you want when you don't know the words.

4) Even though Dad says we should eat green beans first Kellen loves when Grandma Mac feeds him because he get a fully tummy on apple sauce and can skip the green beans. He wishes she would stay forever.

5) Grandma Mac's antique trips are for the birds. Grandma met mom in Rochester to look at an "antique table". Needless to say we couldn't find the place and not sure a GPS would have even helped with a screaming demon in the back seat. I guess Kellen has already been brainwashed by Grandpa JB and dad to make our antique hunting trips miserable. To top it off the table was not even an antique so all this for nothing.

6) Grandma shouldn't buy Halloween costumes so early in the year. Kellen had his heart set on being a giraffe but as you can see it is a bit small (unless giraffe's don't have spots on the bottom of their legs). Might have to hand that one on to Logan. Could be the cutest giraffe I ever saw (but perhaps I am biased).

In addition to the fun, Kellen went to his cousin's school with his Grandma Becks on Friday. Kellen went to dad's friend Drew's wedding on Saturday night. Needless to say it was a short trip because Dad did not believe Mom when she told him it might not be a good idea to take Kellen out at bedtime. So we left at 7:30 (just 15 min past bedtime) and dad got to learn the hard way (men....). At least mom and dad got to go to bed early to catch a few extra hours of shut eye.

On Sunday we went to church and Kellen misbehaved again (perhaps we will get asked to leave before we even join the church). Kellen had a great day with his dad, hauling wood, going to see Uncle Tom and Grandpa Dano to shoot guns and feeding the pigs. Sunday night Grandpa Harry and Granny Jay came for dinner and to visit. All and all it was another great week expect the bugs are bothering Murphy and that is disturbing to Kellen.

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