Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lovin life

Kellen had another busy week filled with lots of new learning. We had an appointment with his new pediatrician at Gunersen and learned that nearly all 4 month old babies can sleep through them night-- it is in fact that parents that prevent them from doing so. At the time I was thinking-- dude I assure you we make no unnecessary noise from our end of the house when the little one is sleeping (not sure if I or Andy would have spit that out first). So boot camp it was going to be. Kellen had been doing great sleeping from around 7 until 6:30 until a few weeks back when he acquired a stuffy nose and couldn't figure out how to breath through his mouth. Well he must have heard us threatening because with virtually no intervention he is sleeping through the night again. What a great learning-- what mom and dad says.... Kellen does. Oh if it were only that easy!

Kellen weighed in at 13 1/2 pounds so still on the tall and skinny side of life. Everything else checked out great and both of us really liked the new peds doctor. Of course I was hoping for someone who looked like Dr. Mcdreamy but a very knowledgeable geek will do.

On Wednesday Jolene and I braved our first night alone at Bergies with 3 kids under 2. Went okay and for some reason we only had Diet Coke. Should have had a few beers to settle our fears!

This weekend we spent some time around the house, Andy started cleaning the garage (no laughing when and if you ever see it) we take small baby steps around here to improving things. Might just secretly turn us in to one of those HGTV shows where you sell your shit to make other improvements around the house. Saturday night we went to a bonfire at Corey and Jo's new house and checked out Jo's parents camper. Seriously bigger than our house on Kansas Street but a great time had by all.

Sunday we took in early church and a waffle breakfast (just what both our diets called for) and enjoyed the nice day. Andy was "dying" from a cold so Kellen and I went on a road trip in the afternoon so he could rest. Thank god he made it through and we picked up an exersaucer along the journey. Kellen is fascinated with it and Murphy can't figure out how he can spin around in it. Sunday evening Riley, Kellen and Logan hung out while we grilled out and enjoyed a few beverages. Hoping that Kellen will pick up on Riley's eating habits as the kid won't stop eating broccoli and squash. Perhaps we could try the threat again to see if it might work!

Kellen got a new sweatsuit and bib from Grandma Beck's. She returned from Florida with Holly and her family. Kellen just loves the bib that says, Grandma bought this with Grandpa's money in Florida.

In addition to his time with Murphy, outside time with Dad, Kellen's new favorite pastime is is playing the piano. Perhaps a musician on our hands already! Just hope he can sing better than any of us can. Murphy might have the best voice in the house!

Getting ready for Halloween- Kellen has about 10 Halloween shirts since Dad is fond of orange and the fact that it looks great under camouflage. You know the kid is going to be made fun of when half of his wardrobe comes from fleet-farm or Cabella's. Thank god for our kind friends who donate the rest of his "normal" clothes so Andy isn't totally in charge of the closet.

That's all for this week- hope you are planning to come celebrate with Kellen at the Fall party!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Texas??? Come on....the Gophers are number 17 in the BCS!!! And the Vikes didn't even play this week, so no need to rag on them. We can't have him thinking it's ok to be a fair weather fan! *laughing*