Sunday, November 23, 2008

Party Time

Sorry it has been so long since our last post-- we have been having so much fun we just don't seem to find the time to update everyone. Here is a brief recap of the past few weeks:
We had a wonderful Halloween weekend. Kellen came to class with mom to hand out candy on Halloween to the overgrown kids she teaches. On Friday night we went trick or treating as a farm; mom was a cow, dad was a farmer, Kellen was a goat and Murphy was a dog. We overestimated how many homes we could hit but Kellen's favorite was at Grandma Jean's where he got a jar of applesauce. Talk about a treat :)

On Saturday we had a wonderful fall party with celebrated with a great showing of both friends and family. Kellen enjoyed the hay ride and had tons of fun showing some of the newbies around the house. The weekend rounded out on Sunday with Kellen getting baptized.

The first week in November Kellen had his first experience going to vote-- he is learning how luck we really are to live in the USA.

Grandma Mac spent the next week here in Minnesota with us since dad was very busy deer hunting. Kellen is still very confused as to why dad dresses up like a tree, and freezes his ass off in the woods and even at 5 months with limited distance vision Kellen seems to see as many deer from the house. Never the less- dad and grandma Harry both got a buck so all was well in our household.

This weekend, mom went to a play with some WSU friends and Kellen enjoyed some time with Grandma Becks. Saturday mom watched Logan and Riley and decided that she probably needs to have her tubes tied. The saving grace was that Riley was my little helper and Kellen spent most of the afternoon in his new jumparoo. Speaking of the jumparoo, it was a rather interesting craigslist purchase when I arrived and the front porch of the house had a rather pungent smell. It was a dairy farm and little Flower the jersey calf was living on the front porch. Dad swears if mom finds any more "deals" that require 2 hours of clean up he might take away all buying privileges.

As we speak, Kellen is having a great time watching Rodeo on TV--- his has got his jumparoo parked in front of the tv and has been working on throwing his hands in the air as if he just finished tying a calf. Dad thinks it is funny how mom's rule of no TV just went out the window for about an hour.

That's all for now-- gotta start to pay attention to the barrel racing. Happy Trails!

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