Monday, June 2, 2008

Week 37

So the month of June is finally here- although the weather is no indication of such. Thank god most days it is okay to wear sandals as tying the shoes is so a thing of the past . Had a great weekend with the fam. My parents came to visit on Friday and thanks to the McDermott baby fund we got a crib mattress and bedding. Had some funny moments looking through some of my dad's baby clothes. Who the hell has baby clothes that are 56 years old is beyond me since I can't seem to find my clothes from moving just 6 months ago. Ironically many of the outfits have a Murphy dog embroidered on them which is hilarious.

Tried to do some decorating in the nursery but Martha Stewart's force was not with us and we didn't find much of anything that would work. But for all of those who are so damn nervous that I am not prepared I now have a crib, bedding on the crib, one package of diapers, one can of formula and a bottle which from what everyone says IT just sleeps, eats and shits so we should be covered for the first week.

JB and Andy worked on the deck railing so when the little beast is mobile it will no longer fall 20 feet to the yard. Which is good for a mom that might have too much to drink on occasion after a hellish day with a screaming kid. Than again Murphy has to think of a new suicide plan if he just can't take the lack of attention and jealousy.

Had an appointment today and things are moving along (literally). IT's head is down where it is supposed to be which they said is a sign it has dropped. A guy MD must have come up with that- there is only so much room in there at this point and dropping to me would mean that the soccer player would stop kicking the crap out of me and drop on out into the world.

Had some of the "fake" contractions. Another concept only a man could come up with. Nothing too fake about them to me when they wake me up at 5:30 a.m. All I have to say is epidural, epidural and epidural.

And on those famous last words off to sleep we all go!

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