Sunday, June 29, 2008

Week 2- sleeping and party time

Well we survived another week and the excitement of the week was the birthday party we had at the house on Friday night. It was Andy's 31st birthday on Thursday, Murphy will be 5 on July 4th and Kellen was 2 weeks old. Great fun was had by all!

Andy and I went shopping in La Crosse and although it this isn't Kellen's first camo outfit, it is the first one that fits.

Kellen got to meet his Aunt Kari this weekend and enjoyed spending time with her. He is looking forward to meeting all his Iowa relatives and friends this next weekend. He hopes Grandma Mac is up for the night shift again for at least one night :)

As you can see by the daylight in the photos we do a lot of sleeping during the day time and not so much at night.


Anonymous said...

Awesome new pics!! Holy cats he is growing fast! :-) Don't forget to send me the girlfriends guide to pregnancy so I don't have to end up calling you all LIARS!!!

micnauman said...

Oops that anonymous is Mic :-)