Thursday, May 29, 2008

the countdown continues

Well another week down...... things continue to go well but I can honestly say I am so ready for this to be over. Then again ask me 6 weeks from now what I think with a screaming child that refuses to be comforted with any of the 17 gadgets we now have in our closet and garage and I might think this was a cake walk.

Andy's brother graduated from high school this weekend so finding an outfit that didn't make me resemble a farm animal was a little bit of a challenge (that I did not succeed at). It was a nice weekend never the less and we were able to get a little sunshine therapy on Monday.

I have started a list of things I have tried and may continue to try to induce labor.
  • Last week I jumped (okay so it wasn't quite like that) on the horse for a spin around the yard.
  • For those of you from the area driving on Cty Rd 7 to Pickwick in the truck could make a non-prego person's stomach hurt last week
  • Andy and I planted grass seed which included picking up rocks from the yard first (whose idea was it to have a 2 acre yard???)
  • I moved the path on the outside of the field and set aside land with the 4 wheeler trying to hit every bump and gopher hole possible.

Obviously nothing has worked so far but I am going to keep trying.

In terms of other life things, we got an offer on our house which was ridiculous and asked for just about everything except our first born child (dang). We closed on the new house today which just sucks since we haven't sold the other one. Still nothing too promising in the daycare category-- Murphy just might have to do for now so he is hoping that someone can get him some books on tape related to babycare and rearing. He does watch Super Nanny on Wednesday nights but they don't have anything on baby babies very often.

Trying to get a few more things in order around the house but with pretty minimal success- perhaps this week with the rain that is predicted we can get some house items crossed off the list. I was hoping this nesting thing everyone talks about would kick these loose end house projects into high gear but so far no luck!

Have a great weekend :)

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