Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Week 35

So it strikes me as ironic that in the beginning you are counting how many weeks along you are and at this point all I care about is how many &^$% weeks are left. My midwife told us yesterday that getting sick of this at the end is gods way of helping you endure what is to come since you are so tired of being prego.

Everything continues to go well, Andy and I have a bet on how big IT is going to be. I say closer to 6 lbs and Andy believes closer to 9 lbs. We had an appointment yesterday and the midwife did not think it was a big baby and guessed somewhere in the 6 lb range so hopefully she is right :) The every growing belly now weighs in at 28 pounds with 5 weeks to go which just sucks. Then again if Andy wins the bet that much more will be gone so maybe I should rethink my strategy.

We have another new baby (cow that is). Number 73 had a black boy today, which brought some disappointment to Andy. Sure hopes if he doesn't get his girl in real life that he won't sell it or think about eating it as the only alternatives.

Getting a little worried about when the heck we are going to get everything ready and have this house in some assembly of order for a child. Seems like the weather just won't totally cooperate with us and even though I have way more time now, I can't seem to get anything done around here. Hoping this week will be more productive but god only knows!

Also getting a little more worried about what is ahead. Had some wonderful conversations with colleagues today who are 100% rational, level headed, kind, caring people. That was until they found themselves in the birthing process. Heard from
  • a pastor's wife (who's doctor was a member of their church) that vulgar language can easily slip out
  • a hillarious story from one of the nicest employees at WSU who after several hours of labor and an epidural (that only worked on one leg) grabbed a nurse by the shirt upon mentioning that the baby was too big and a c-section was necessary
  • a faculty member who needed to resort to creative tactics to deter her husband from using derogatory comments regarding the birthing and breastfeeding process

The scary part is all of these folks are much more calm and compassionate that I would consider myself so I may be in trouble!

Mothers day came and went-- Andy apparently didn't realize that you are supposed to be nice on mothers day so we may have to re-do it all together. His work like crazy schedule combined with the fact that he could not get a tractor running resulted in a less than chipper mood. In addition the dog rolled in cow shit so he didn't add to the pleasurable day in the least either. We did have a very nice dinner with Andy's family Sunday evening and I fully enjoyed the wide selection of desserts.

Maybe if we get the nursery together this week I can upload some photos!

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