Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Week 29

Well we have survived another week! We had an appointment on Monday and things continue to go well. Much to my delight I had a bladder infection that was causing the majority of my discomfort last week and has for the most part been taken care of with antibiotics. When she mentioned to make sure to go to the bathroom after sex Andy almost fell off the chair. Needless to say we don't believe that is the problem or the cure for that matter.I thought this was just par for the course for the next 10 weeks, but am damn glad that there was a logical explanation for it as the crabbiness was setting in.

The midwife scared the crap out of both of us when she mentioned the July word- as in they would be okay letting me go until the first week in July (if that is the case). She indicated that if everything was fine that it was very possible. Andy asked if husband relief would be a valid reason to induce but no go.

The weigh gain continues and Andy is now convinced that I will have stretch marks- but then again he might have a black eye if he mentions it again.

We tired to finish up the tiling and grouting in the laundry room this weekend and needless to say I didn't need yet another reminder that I can hardly get my ass off the floor so I think I will be done with those projects for now. I guess if it has waited this long- it can wait even longer.

Other than that things seem to be going just fine- my mom has kicked the craigslist shopping into full gear snatching up bargins from Rochester, MN to Davenport, IA. Although the idea of adding more crap to this house makes my stomach hurt, god knows I can't resist a bargin either.

Getting really sick of the weather and hoping that the sandles and gym short days are not far away. Only 3 weeks left of teaching so that will help pass the time quickly.

That's all for now folks!

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