Monday, April 21, 2008

Looking for new friends

Well it was a great weekend with lots of visitors. Friday our friends Mark and Lindsay came to visit from Wisconsin Rapids. They had a baby 14 days ago and Lindsay was kind enough to "donate" all of her maternity clothes. Although it was great to see her the sheer fact that she could get rid of all of maternity clothes 10 days after having her 3rd child made me want to kill her. Andy enjoyed having a new baby in the house, Murphy did a great job balancing his curiosity with good behavior. I just sat in amazement at how anyone person could own this many items of maternity clothes and not need them 10 days later. Then again Lindsay gained something like 19 pounds total so that was icing on the cake.

Jolene and Corey were here this weekend as well so Jolene came over shortly after Mark and Lindsay left. It was great to see Jo and she thought it would be a good idea to have a little fashion show with the 200 items clothes that had just been dropped off. Now you must remember that Jolene is now 4 months pregnant and looks better than I do pre-pregnancy. So whatever hate I had left in my body was now directed at her as she laughed her ass off at me trying on clothes. Needless to say there were a few items that just didn't come up over the thighs and ass. I never wanted to drink a beer so badly but we resorted to enjoying our crystal light and eating.

Sometime on Friday night I decided that from now on to be my friend you must be
1. fat
2. out of shape
3. poor (or at least as poor as we are)
4. gained at least as much weigh as I have when you had a baby.

Screening shall begin today.

Saturday Jolene and I attempted to put this uppercase living saying I have had since fall on the hallway wall. Jolene is a bit more crafty than I so she seemed like a good candidate to help. Needless to say it was a huge pain in the rear and I don't think either of us will ever put another one up. It is still up on the wall but if you come over and can't make out the words because some of the letters have fallen down, don't say anything just use your imagination.

Sunday Andy and I went to the house in Winona to do a quick clean up (that means anything you clean you do so with wipes). There was an open house today and I thought about resorting to church to see if I could get some divine intervention going on the house end.

We ended up spending the day outside- which was just beautiful. We attempted to burn some brush that was left over from Andy's winter of wood cutting. Needless to say they only thing that really burned was what was left of our Christmas tree (but at least I can cross that off the list now). We spent the afternoon at the Groth farm- Andy's parents were also trying to burn. Murphy had a grand time and we spent about an hour trying to get all the burrs out of him upon our arrival home.

Now it is 3:08 a.m. and I can't sleep and after sitting in bed for 2 hours have decided that since I can't seem to get going on the physical training end of things I might as well get started on the sleep deprivation routine.

Sweet Dreams

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