Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Okay so as if the clothes trying on this weekend wasn't bad enough...... Andy's cousin gets married on Saturday. Nobody told me that finding a maternity dress in the town of Winona would resemble something more of a scavenger hunt as opposed to retail therapy. Target has 2- and one looks like something you would only wear in Jamaica over a swim suit.

Seriously if I had any fashion sense or the ability to create things I would start my own "real women's" maternity collection. A trip to La Crosse or Rochester may be in order Saturday morning. The only bright thing was a friend from work gave me a few tops and a pair of jean capri's today in a size that starts with the same letter as lettuce (which maybe I should be eating more of and I wouldn't need that size). Then again they fit and if I have to drink milk, oreo's are necessary (right?).

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