Monday, March 31, 2008

New York Travels and Ultrasound 3

Well this past week Baby It, myself and my mom took a trip to the big apple. Needless to say it is a huge city, people everywhere, noise all around and unless kicking in the ribs can be interpreted as excitement, I don't think the baby liked the trip. I also don't think it will like roller coasters as the turbulence on the airplane was no picnic either. Just my predictions though.

We had a regular dr. appointment last week and everything is coming along just fine. Had to drink some sugary crap to see if I had gestational diabetes, which I do not. My cousin gave me some advice to not eat or drink much sugar the day before and I was the rocket scientist who scheduled the test the day after Easter. Needless to say not much candy for me and it seems in my absence this past week that Andy has done quite a number on it. Or perhaps he will blame it on Murphy.

In has come to my attention that I can no longer tie my shoes without being uncomfortable, (which is down right ridiculous). Praying that this weather ceases so selfishly I can just slip on sandals and not have another daily reminder on how large I am getting.

One other frightening note- I have been after Andy to hang a mirror in our bedroom (although I don't know why-- it isn't like at this stage you are really evaluating if these jeans make your ass look big- you don't need a mirror for that). At any rate, yesterday we met at Cabella's in Prairie du Chien and I found a cute pair of sweat pant like capris and a matching top. Again apparently my friends have failed me because trying on clothes in front of a full length mirror was about enough to force me to vow to quit eating anything that isn't grown in the ground and to find some renewed motivation to workout a bit more. Needless to say it was impossible for the outfit to look cute after a look at that so back to the rack it went. Today I spoke with Angie my former roomate and fitness guru about some specific exercieses that might address this. She suggested walking but unless I am going to start walking to work and back everyday I just simply don't think walking is going to do it.

Today we had an ultrasound and everything seems to be progressing along just fine. According to the ultrasound tech IT has some hair- although in somewhat of a mullet form at this point as it only exists on the back of it's head. Guess in these parts of the country some people still think that is fashionable so who knows IT might fit right in. IT also has somewhat long legs- Murphy knows it didn't get that from him so hopefully the McDermott side and Andy's legs have combined. They never measured how big around the legs were so it still could be an orange on a toothpick for all we know. IT was no longer backwards and had it head pointed in the right direction. I will upload some pictures tomorrow.

Other than that things going okay- having my first real days of discomfort these last few days but nothing too serious. My hemoglobin was low after last week so they had me start taking some iron pills in addition to my vitamins. For the women readers the two have some similar side effects that can add some additional discomfort to your life- as if you don't weigh enough already and have "extra" room for that. At any rate- with my travels wasn't too anxious to do any at home remedy's for fear of the after after affects and airplane bathrooms. Hopefully in a few days my body will get used to it and adjust.

Got a shot in the ass today literally given my negative blood type and checked in with the doctor on this stomach discomfort but sounds like for the moment no big deal. Will likley have another ultrasound in a few more weeks as the placenta moved some but is still kind of low. Part of me thinks they are fun but then again it is kind of creepy to have a little alien looking at you and for me the temptation to give in (so I can take full advantage of the upcoming garage sales of gender specific clothes) is greater every time. Today she had to turn the screen away so we could not see anything in the pelvic region. She said she didn't look but I thought about slipping her a 20 to see if she would reveal after Andy left but was too lazy to walk back to her area (which is a pretty good indication that the walking/toning plan might fail).

Well off to bed tonight hopefully- never in my life I have not been able to sleep (for those of you who know me well stop laughing). I am not talking about getting 8 instead of my usual 10-12 hours of sleep. Since friday night I have slept a total of about 10 hours and if you asked either Andy or Muphy they might tell you my blood type isn't the only think that is negative these days.

So sweet dreams and more to come!

1 comment:

the girls at 9983 said...

I do beleive there are studies that reveal long term affects on baby's called "IT". There MUST be something better to call this little miracle. Maybe the big "G" or the little "G" or just baby. After you shared about the hair I had a dream of a little JohnBob floating around in the amniotic fluid with the hair all a muss. Oh my, did I wake up in a hurry. Keep smiling and stay healthy. A little walk down the road to visit the neighbor and inquire about the vicious dog(s) could bring a whole new outlook on things. Anyway, tying shoes is highly overrated. No need to worry till you need assistancy getting up off the toilet. That's what one calls pre partum depression! love you all