Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Week 25

So we are just ending week 25 of this process- everything is going well. We had an appointment last Friday and I have gained a whopping 18 pounds so far. My midwife swears a pound a week is average and that I should stay under 30 pounds total with 15 weeks to go. All I can think about is how damn much time it must take on the elliptical to remove 30 pounds. Of course that didn't stop me from consuming 2 boxes of girl scout cookies which Andy was so kind to bring home for me (bastard).

We have nothing ready for this child (IT) with the exception of a few small odds and ends our parents have picked up along the way. I can't even think about getting any "stuff" because if you have had the privilege of seeing our garage of late you would understand that right now despite the fact that we just upgraded the size of our house there is no room for "stuff". Besides I don't want to take the beds we have out of the bedrooms for those occasional guests who either kindly come to work on the house or take in the party festivities. I suppose in time I will have to surrender to getting a few things.

We completed the baby class a few weekends ago at Winona Health and although being a pretty good student most of my life- I would have flunked this class hands down. Of course I had to watch this ever enlightening movie on Friday night while Andy was working away. Seriously- not sure why anyone in their right mind would let someone tape that process even if it was for educational purposes. Saturday I nearly fainted (for real) while taking a tour of the hospital. Haven't had that spinning feeling since the last wedding we attended which could explain alot about how we got into this situation in the first place. Never really had the experience before but sure hope it isn't a preview of what is to come. Then again if I fall down and hit my head really hard the whole thing might just seem like a blur and based on the content of the class that might not be a bad thing. Needless to say Andy was really excited about the breathing exercises and we got reprimanded in class for laughing because he kept encouraging me to substitute the "hee or haw" words with some that I might actually really use. Another reason for the F.

This weekend we had some company in the form of a 1 year old (Riley, Corey and Jolene's little guy). Very interesting to see how Murphy was so jelous of Andy and anything he did with this little man. I just thought it was intersting how much noise some toys can make and that glass on your coffee tables probably isn't the greatest idea with kids if you want them to look clean.

I go in 2 weeks for another appointment and to drink some apparently kind of gross tasting stuff to see if I have gestational diabetes ( a routine thing I understand). So far IT's heart rate has been 150 something every single time we have heard it which further encourages Andy that it is in fact a girl.

Well will do my best to update this on occassion and fill everyone in on the fun.

More later!


micnauman said...

Wahoo!! You're blogging now too! Can't decide if reading your blog is going to make me excited about what awaits us over the next 6 months or scare me! C'mon, they told us that little drink tastes just like sprite, however no one has ever prefaced sprite with "a most dreaded drink" before so I can't imagine it's too tasty!

Jolene Larsen said...

Wow, this cracked me up:) You sure have a way with words. I am glad you are embracing the "changes" your body is making and Andy seems to be enjoying them as well. Don't worry more changes are on their way and I am sure you will love them all! My blog isn't quite as exciting it lists what I am doing on a daily basis with my 7th and 8th graders, maybe they would like to read this one instead......just kidding of course.

Anonymous said...

As smart as you are, figure out that now is THE time to work it, work it, work it. There are very few times in your life that your spouse will understand why the entire box of GS cookies have been consumed in a 12 hour period! As far as swallowing a basketball, get real girl, I beg to differ. Remember that I have the side profile from week 20 and either your ball has a leak or your mirrors are hung at the wrong angle. Just kidding. It helps to remind yourself that beauty is seen from the inside out. Plus, laughter will take you a long way. Keep smiling!