Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Technology is a wondeful thing

I have decided that since I teach my students the ways in which we communicate are forever changing but have never really used any of the tools--this is my attempt at not being a hypocrite.

Besides you all keep asking the same type of questions so maybe I will reduce my phone minutes and not get grounded from my husband for my overage charges if I blog (that sounds like some strange illness you got on an exotic trip to me).

So with that we start the mcdermott groth baby log. And no for all of you who want pictures of how big my stomach is ---not happening. Imagine what would happen if you swallow a basketball and that is what I look like (well Andy may tell you that some other things have increased in size to but I will choose to not dwell on that and with any luck the rest of my body will all go back to normal someday as well).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Maggie & Andy and baby. Glad to hear everything is going so well. I keep telling you Mag to enjoy everything about your pregnancy... It's such a miracle, and believe it or not, it does go fast... You will realize this when it's all over. Tell Andy that the heartrate doesn't mean a thing! I have personally found that out on my own, with 2 boys and completely different pregnancies. Also having several friends, relatives, and my doctor tell me this as well. I'm so glad the sex will be a surprise to you though, it's fun to guess, but don't listen to anyone! Also, mother's intuition isn't always right either! Take care. We'll be expecting updated info and PICTURES!!