Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The weather sucks and we have a new number 10

Well another week down- the weekend weather resembled something from January as opposed to May. On Monday we got 4 inches of snow- I guess this plan on not being pregnant during the hot summer months is really going to work since we likely won't even have any days above 60 before the middle of June. Thinking back to last year when we had our wedding party and stole lilacs out of people's yards for our flowers. Wouldn't happen this year (not that we should have been doing it last year for that matter).

We had a new baby in the family this past week- a new calf that belongs to Louise (for those of you who haven't heard the story we have 3 cows, 2 of which run away so their names are Thelma and Louise). She had a baby boy that is black last Friday-- still don't have a name so he is number 10. People might think it is a little strange if we have to leave the hosiptal with our kid having a number 1 on it's ear if we still can't decide that either. Andy was disappointed as he was hoping for a girl- all I hope is that she doesn't get her mom's personality. Well actually Andy is probably thinking that about our real baby too :)

This weekend was Andy's cousins wedding- needless to say if I ever have another baby I am not going to any weddings if I can not drink. Just not the same experience. Although I was feeling much better about things Sunday morning as both Andy and our house guests woke up feeling worse than I did. As luck would have it I went to urgent care on Saturday for a bladder infection so if the truth was told I didn't feel that great either and there were no great stories associated with it.

Also spent the week watching Augusta, my parents dog while they are visiting my brother in Texas. Although I have no recollection of how much hair we must have had in the house growing up with 2 labs, not sure now how my mom did it. Between not having any grass and the hair housecleaning could be a full time job around here and sure enough our cleaning lady from Winona still hasn't been able to get over her fear of driving up hills and has yet to show up at the new house.

Had an appointment yesterday- everything is still going well with the exception of a stupid bladder infection. Turns out the antibiotics they gave me on Saturday are not going to work on the type of bacteria I have so I started a new one yesterday. Hopefully in the next few days it will kick in . Trying to do my best at exercising, but I am supposed to drink 2 gallons of water a day. Needless to say the dogs and I are limited to exercising around the farm so that we all can take bathroom breaks as needed. And no I have not put my toilet paper down for those of you who remember that incident.

Looking forward to the end of the week/weekend-- Winona takes part in a 100 mile garage sale which is really something from what I hear. Hoping to hit the sales Friday and Saturday and snatch up baby deals left and right. Wishing my mom could be here to bargain as I flat out suck at that part but can't blame her for laying around in 80 degree weather poolside instead of scrapping snow off the cars here.

I will update our items we have post after the bargains this weekend!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Okay so as if the clothes trying on this weekend wasn't bad enough...... Andy's cousin gets married on Saturday. Nobody told me that finding a maternity dress in the town of Winona would resemble something more of a scavenger hunt as opposed to retail therapy. Target has 2- and one looks like something you would only wear in Jamaica over a swim suit.

Seriously if I had any fashion sense or the ability to create things I would start my own "real women's" maternity collection. A trip to La Crosse or Rochester may be in order Saturday morning. The only bright thing was a friend from work gave me a few tops and a pair of jean capri's today in a size that starts with the same letter as lettuce (which maybe I should be eating more of and I wouldn't need that size). Then again they fit and if I have to drink milk, oreo's are necessary (right?).

Monday, April 21, 2008

Looking for new friends

Well it was a great weekend with lots of visitors. Friday our friends Mark and Lindsay came to visit from Wisconsin Rapids. They had a baby 14 days ago and Lindsay was kind enough to "donate" all of her maternity clothes. Although it was great to see her the sheer fact that she could get rid of all of maternity clothes 10 days after having her 3rd child made me want to kill her. Andy enjoyed having a new baby in the house, Murphy did a great job balancing his curiosity with good behavior. I just sat in amazement at how anyone person could own this many items of maternity clothes and not need them 10 days later. Then again Lindsay gained something like 19 pounds total so that was icing on the cake.

Jolene and Corey were here this weekend as well so Jolene came over shortly after Mark and Lindsay left. It was great to see Jo and she thought it would be a good idea to have a little fashion show with the 200 items clothes that had just been dropped off. Now you must remember that Jolene is now 4 months pregnant and looks better than I do pre-pregnancy. So whatever hate I had left in my body was now directed at her as she laughed her ass off at me trying on clothes. Needless to say there were a few items that just didn't come up over the thighs and ass. I never wanted to drink a beer so badly but we resorted to enjoying our crystal light and eating.

Sometime on Friday night I decided that from now on to be my friend you must be
1. fat
2. out of shape
3. poor (or at least as poor as we are)
4. gained at least as much weigh as I have when you had a baby.

Screening shall begin today.

Saturday Jolene and I attempted to put this uppercase living saying I have had since fall on the hallway wall. Jolene is a bit more crafty than I so she seemed like a good candidate to help. Needless to say it was a huge pain in the rear and I don't think either of us will ever put another one up. It is still up on the wall but if you come over and can't make out the words because some of the letters have fallen down, don't say anything just use your imagination.

Sunday Andy and I went to the house in Winona to do a quick clean up (that means anything you clean you do so with wipes). There was an open house today and I thought about resorting to church to see if I could get some divine intervention going on the house end.

We ended up spending the day outside- which was just beautiful. We attempted to burn some brush that was left over from Andy's winter of wood cutting. Needless to say they only thing that really burned was what was left of our Christmas tree (but at least I can cross that off the list now). We spent the afternoon at the Groth farm- Andy's parents were also trying to burn. Murphy had a grand time and we spent about an hour trying to get all the burrs out of him upon our arrival home.

Now it is 3:08 a.m. and I can't sleep and after sitting in bed for 2 hours have decided that since I can't seem to get going on the physical training end of things I might as well get started on the sleep deprivation routine.

Sweet Dreams

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Items We Have

Have been getting several qut,ions about what items we need lately. I will try to update this as we get things!

We currently have:

crib, mattress, bassinett, baby bjorn, outdoor hiking carrier, 3 wheel jogging stroller, 1 pack and play, exersaucer, lots of clothes, Andy's diaper bag, baby gates, crib bumper pad, one sheet and bedskirt, high chair (gotta love ebay at 3 am when you can't sleep).....

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Week 29

Well we have survived another week! We had an appointment on Monday and things continue to go well. Much to my delight I had a bladder infection that was causing the majority of my discomfort last week and has for the most part been taken care of with antibiotics. When she mentioned to make sure to go to the bathroom after sex Andy almost fell off the chair. Needless to say we don't believe that is the problem or the cure for that matter.I thought this was just par for the course for the next 10 weeks, but am damn glad that there was a logical explanation for it as the crabbiness was setting in.

The midwife scared the crap out of both of us when she mentioned the July word- as in they would be okay letting me go until the first week in July (if that is the case). She indicated that if everything was fine that it was very possible. Andy asked if husband relief would be a valid reason to induce but no go.

The weigh gain continues and Andy is now convinced that I will have stretch marks- but then again he might have a black eye if he mentions it again.

We tired to finish up the tiling and grouting in the laundry room this weekend and needless to say I didn't need yet another reminder that I can hardly get my ass off the floor so I think I will be done with those projects for now. I guess if it has waited this long- it can wait even longer.

Other than that things seem to be going just fine- my mom has kicked the craigslist shopping into full gear snatching up bargins from Rochester, MN to Davenport, IA. Although the idea of adding more crap to this house makes my stomach hurt, god knows I can't resist a bargin either.

Getting really sick of the weather and hoping that the sandles and gym short days are not far away. Only 3 weeks left of teaching so that will help pass the time quickly.

That's all for now folks!