Monday, September 29, 2008

Pumpkins galore

Well despite the deer a few pumpkins survived in the deer plot to make it to harvest time. We found one really special pumpkin in the patch-- resting from a very busy weekend.

On Friday we went to visit Kellen's new best friend baby Logan. He was born on Friday afternoon and we stopped to say hello and introduce ourselves.

Saturday mom and dad attempted (key word) to play golf (as if what we were doing was really a sport) in the Groth open. Not much luck golfing but Kellen had a great time at Grandma Donna's and took in time with Amy and all the cousins.

Saturday night we had a bean bag tournament (now this resembled a sport much more than golfing) with the Groth clan. Kellen enjoyed seeing everyone and was a bit mad that his mom and dad offered little leniency on his bedtime ( Andy was almost ready to get out the Halloween sign where you can change the sign from the Witch in IN or OUT. If you could get through our garage to find it he might make it a permanent decoration around here).

Sunday we went to church where Kellen modeled his behavior after his dad and uncle Casey in the day. Apparently at even 14 weeks they can figure out if you misbehave you can go someplace else. Hopefully this will change in time although I think Andy prefers to get up and leave to this day.

After church we went to visit Logan again and then off to Grandma Dano's farm e-i-e-i-o to check on the 6 pigs he bought. To date Kellen knows 5 verses to the Grandma Dano's farm song.... with a moo moo here and a moo moo there, and a neigh here and a neigh there and a ruff, ruff here and a ruff, ruff there and a meow meow here and a meow meow there AND NOW and oink-oink here and an oink-oink there. God only knows what is next........
That about wraps up the week-- Kellen has enjoyed the beautiful weather and hopes it continues for about another 51 weeks.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Week 12 (so we missed a few in between)

Once again I have found that all of you have lied.... or at least withheld information. The idea that you can get the same amount of things accomplished while taking care of a 10 pound being just isn't true. The blog is just one of the great many things that have been neglected around here the past 12 weeks (just ask Murph or come take a look at the dust bunnies in the corners). Never the less it has been a wonderful summer and as we get ready for fall to set in we look at it with new eyes (droopy with black circles under them usually). Andy has learned that Kellen really doesn't care to build deer stands (if that only holds true for another 18 years, I will be in luck). On the contrary Kellen seems to behave quite well when his mom is riding horses so perhaps this is a sign. God knows even us crazy horse people don't stuff the horses we love and nail them up to a wall so horses it will be for Kellen.

I will try to catch everyone up since it has been a while for many of you. Here are the month by month highlights.


Kellen made his first trip home to Iowa for the 4th of July. He had a great time meeting all of his Iowa family and friends and his uncle Casey who was home from Texas.

Kellen went to his first rodeo and Grandpa JB is to start looking for a nice little calf roping pony---- children with really nice horses rarely want to ride bulls.

Kellen went on his first hay ride and took part in Grandpa Harry and Granny Jay's camp out. He seemed to enjoy it especially since a red (not green) tractor pulled the hay wagon. Kellen enjoyed meeting Aunt Jodi and Uncle Mike and spending time with Amy, Brandon and Kari.

Kellen spent lots of time with his friend Riley and they had great fun watching the Ridgeway fire dept. burn Riley's "new house" to make room for the real new house.

Mom's girlfriends from work had a lovely get together and they all brought some very nice books for Kellen. He enjoys reading books almost as much as playing with Murphy. Grandma Mac visited for the week and we had lot and lots of fun.

Mom and Kellen went to Wisconsin Rapids to visit friends Mark, Lindsay and crew. Kellen hit the motherload on hand-me-downs and his mom is jealous that he has more clothes now than she does.

Kellen also tried to help mom and grandpa Harry plant the garden (more on that damn idea later).


Kellen spent about 2 weeks helping his mom and dad (okay mostly his dad) fence in a pasture for the horses. He is quite content in the back of the 4 wheeler swinging away.

Kellen spent lots of time at Grandma Donna's, Grandma Becks, Aunt Holly's, Shirley's and anyone else who would take him when he got sick of fencing. Mom was made to feel 100 when Avery and Emma (two little girls mom babysat for in college) came to watch him one day. Auntie Katy came one weekend and helped to watch after him too.

Kellen had people out to grill out almost every weekend. Mom and Dad enjoyed the company and despite all Mom is sort of starting to learn how to cook. She might be a fast learner but that doesn't apply in the cooking dept. and god knows Kellen will need to eat in the next year. Thankfully in the past 30 years I have mastered Mac and Cheese and PB and J so hopefully those are favorites!

Grandma Mac visited for another week prior to her departure to Texas to visit uncle Casey. Mom and Dad were lucky enough to inherit Gus--- never getting two dogs (or two kids for that matter).

Kellen had to get his first round of shots and he thought it really sucked. He thinks he is exposed to enough dirt that his immune system will be perfect - any shots.

Kellen went to many picnics (RTP for dad's work, Winona State and UW- Lacrosse College of Business). He doesn't think much of leaving potato salad out for hours either so not sure lots of these will be in his future.


Kellen helped mom and dad cut wood for the first time (and unless we win the lotto he will do so for the next 100 years if he wants to be warm in the winter). He was a trooper and just swung the day away.

We now have college football Saturday's and football Sunday. Kellen is usually confused on what to wear on these days and mom and dad argue until each one gets to pick on part of the outfit resulting in ridiculous looking sports apparel.

Auntie Katy stopped in for a visit and Kellen updated her on what was new in his life.

Grandma Mac came for another week and Kellen is still amazed that she can stick her tongue out. Given that Kellen inherited his mom's IQ he should figure it out yesterday.

Kellen checks the garden (aka deer plot) daily and it goes down in history as the worst garden ever. The deer have to date eaten 8 tomato plants, 2 egg plants, several green peppers, only a few jalapenos (serves the bastards right), lots of squash and now the pumpkins. Mom is working on mixing up a little strick nine tastee treat for them.

Every Wednesday night is pizza night at Bergie's. Kellen enjoys mingling with the locals (always an eclectic mix of individuals) and mom, Jolene and Riley enjoy their 5.00 pizza's and getting the hell out of the house. Kellen is excited for his new friend Logan to make his way into the world next Friday.

Well that's all for now folks-- besides a promise to update this thing a bit more often (hell you can always improve from horrible). Kellen looks forward to adding to the memories the next time he is in your presence.